I think I have finally found my blogging niche. My blog will have my weekly lesson plans posted on it and later in the week I will add some of my lessons that went well. I'm rather excited about this idea.
I love looking at other bloggers lessons that they post but I always wonder how they get them all in during the limited time that is the school week. I always wonder what their plan book looks like. So I've decided to post my plan book.
After spending several hours trying to figure out my Mac (still somewhat new to me) I am so proud of my plan book look. The colors make me smile and I love how I get to choose exactly what to put what lines and bubbles. I also love that I can type my lessons and not try to squeeze everything in small boxes with smudged pencil marks.
Here are my first lesson plans. They are still a bit incomplete at the moment but I will add to them after I get through my masters paper. ;)
I am concerned about how I will like this over time. Right now I'm excited but I have no idea how this will go overtime. Lets just experiment for awhile and see how it goes.
Comments? Concerns? Please let me know what you think about all this.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
WOWza! My first week and a room reveal!
I have really missed blogging these last couple of weeks, but school has been kicking my bootie! I started school last Monday and have been struggling to balance my life again now that I'm not just a summer bum. But good news, my class is so cute!!! They are chatty but adorable. Anywho here is my room reveal.
Here is the 'during' picture. I put up the black paper and just started organizing my stuff from the move. This year I moved into a Relocatable (Relo) classroom and it was more of a struggle to move then I thought, but the Relo has it's many perks. The best perk is I get to control my AC!
Here is my pride and joy this year. My library! I finally organized my books and labeled all my books and the bins they belong in. More to come about that.
Here a hideous cabinet that I redid. I simply took hot pink duct tape and black butcher paper. And as you can see it was a miraculous makeover!
Here is the picture I snapped right before the bell rang and the little munchkins ran in. I love the pink and green colors I used. It really brings the room together.
Here is my student work wall (inspired by Clutter-Free Classroom here) I love her blog and all the creative ideas she has.
Here is the view from the back of the room. I love my pink and green banner above my whiteboard. I've seen them all over the place and decided to try my hand at it.
Here is an close-up of my whiteboard Planner Page. I love how bold and easy to read it is.
Here is my library with the calendar math board. I love calendar math and I'll post another blog about it soon.
I have really missed my classroom blog and I wish I had more time to blog and teach and study for my Master's Degree. I've made a goal to blog every week this school year. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Linky Party-Classroom Music
I'm joining the linky party over at Teaching with a Z.
My favorite classroom song is a little crazy. In fact my kids start off complaining about it but by the end of the school year they are begging for it. My favorite classroom song is Glee's version of Friday.
In my school Fridays are an early out day, that means that after lunch they only have about 20 minutes before they are dismissed. Those 20 minutes can murder my weekend vibe. I spent a lot of Friday afternoons trying not to loose my cool with the kiddos who thought school ended at lunch before I found a solution. The solution was so simple it blew my mind!
When our class comes back from lunch we start the count down. I am looking to see if we'll have a silly clean up or a serious clean up. Most the time my class works hard until the clean up so it can be a silly one. For a silly clean up they must do the same things as normal but they get to listen to the Friday song while they do it, and usually they clean up quicker so they can dance around with their friends as they line up to be dismissed.
Its a fun end of the week that leaves us all with smiles and a few laughs. The kids complain about the song but they honestly love it!

My favorite classroom song is a little crazy. In fact my kids start off complaining about it but by the end of the school year they are begging for it. My favorite classroom song is Glee's version of Friday.
In my school Fridays are an early out day, that means that after lunch they only have about 20 minutes before they are dismissed. Those 20 minutes can murder my weekend vibe. I spent a lot of Friday afternoons trying not to loose my cool with the kiddos who thought school ended at lunch before I found a solution. The solution was so simple it blew my mind!
When our class comes back from lunch we start the count down. I am looking to see if we'll have a silly clean up or a serious clean up. Most the time my class works hard until the clean up so it can be a silly one. For a silly clean up they must do the same things as normal but they get to listen to the Friday song while they do it, and usually they clean up quicker so they can dance around with their friends as they line up to be dismissed.
Its a fun end of the week that leaves us all with smiles and a few laughs. The kids complain about the song but they honestly love it!
Ra-Ra-Random! & an award?!
I want to extend a BIG thank you to Rachel at Teaching with Z a for nominating me for my first award!

In order to accept the award I have to:
1. Thank who nominated you.(check)
2. Include a link back to who nominated you. (check)
3. Include the award image in your post.(check)
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself in your post.(keep reading)
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.(hmmmm...working on that)
6. When nominating, include a link back to their blog in your post.(will do)
7. Let the bloggers you nominate know by leaving them a comment.(COMMENTS!)
Here are my seven random things:
I grew up with two educators for parents and so summer was sacred to our family. Summer is a time for travel and fun I've tried to keep that motto as much as my budget will allow.My two most exciting summers were spent working at the Grand Canyon at a small place called Jacob's Lake and in Jerusalem on a Study Abroad.
My husband and I have been married for 19 months (but who's counting) and he is still in school. Husband is currently at BYU, so we get to live in a wonderful cinderblock married-student housing. This also means that I get the pleasure of making a 40 minute commute to my school each day. I honestly don't mind the drive since we only have one more year before we move out of state to graduate school.
I have a scar on my tongue. When I was a small young tike I fell off a piano bench and bit through my little tongue. I'd show you a picture of it but that'd be gross so I'll spare you.
My name comes from my parent's first date. They went to the movie Savannah Smiles. Precious!
It's hard to try to think of 7 random things about myself. Does that count as a random thing? I say YES!
Flight of the Conchords is a secret obsession of mine. In fact the title of this post "ra-ra-random" comes form their hit ( PS they are more adult humor)
Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros
My other youtube obsession is Kid History. I show these to my students on Wacky Webvideo Wednesday if they are angels.
Their link is here!
My last random thing about myself: I love pink and green and owls. As my classroom will reflect. I am so proud of my half-way done classroom. This is the first year it has actually felt put together and pretty. I'm excited!
Hope you had fun learning about my random life. Here are my nominees:
Thank you for the nomination and thank you for those who follow me.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Library Labels Freebie
This is my first freebie and my first time using googledocs so hopefully it turns out well for everyone. Please let me know if something isn't working, or if there is a better way to do freebies.
My classroom library has been an absolute mystery of organization. I have been blog stalking and web searching for ideas of how to organize and maintain the mess of my classroom library. Well after loads of research I complied a couple of ideas for my library.
I made genre labels for my book bins and coordinating labels for each book. This way the student librarians can put books back in the correct spots at the end of the day. I also took a lesson from Miss Clutter-Free Classroom and only put out some of my many books. That will hopefully keep the kiddos more interested in reading and less choices for browsing through their reading time. So without further ado here are my library book bin labels and my library book labels. I hope they are helpful to you. Pictures of them in use will come shortly.
PS I can't believe that school starts is less then 30 days!AHHHHHH.
My classroom library has been an absolute mystery of organization. I have been blog stalking and web searching for ideas of how to organize and maintain the mess of my classroom library. Well after loads of research I complied a couple of ideas for my library.
I made genre labels for my book bins and coordinating labels for each book. This way the student librarians can put books back in the correct spots at the end of the day. I also took a lesson from Miss Clutter-Free Classroom and only put out some of my many books. That will hopefully keep the kiddos more interested in reading and less choices for browsing through their reading time. So without further ado here are my library book bin labels and my library book labels. I hope they are helpful to you. Pictures of them in use will come shortly.
PS I can't believe that school starts is less then 30 days!AHHHHHH.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Creekside Teacher Tales Giveaway
Man I wish I could do a giveaway but as of today I have nothing worth giving. I am hoping to win my first giveaway which is an amazing prize pack from Creekside Teacher Tales Someday when I get 100 followers I'll do a giveaway! (maybe before that)
Friday, July 27, 2012
First Day Jitters! (A Blog Hop)
Two linky posts in two days... I think I deserve some type of chocolate reward for that!
I am joining up with Ashley in Fierce in Fourth to share first day jitters. I was reading a lot of the other bloggers' posts and found something in common all of us are having the "First of the Year Dreams"so I thought I would share mine because I've been having some pretty awesome nightmares!
Things I am concerned about for the first day of school:
1. I am moving classrooms. My room used to be a very large room with built in storage and huge windows inside the building. Now I am moving out to the Relo's (Relocatable classrooms, portable classrooms, I've heard them called many things). There are a few perks to being outside: I control my heat and a/c, my class can be as loud as we wish, my relo is never closed and alarmed so I can visit any day any time. But this move is causing me to experience lots of silly dreams. Example: last night I dreamt that it was the first day of school. When I showed up my principal promptly told me I was late and my students were in the Relo waiting for me. Since we all know how students might take to waiting, I busted my butt to get outside to my Relo only to find that the back field of my school where my relo is located was full of relos and cabins. There were close to hundreds and I had to race through them all to find my class. I spent the whole dream running around like a chicken with their head cut off.
Another example: I get to school the first day and am informed that my relo isn't done being finished so I can't use it that day. My class gets to spend the first day of school in the copy room trying to fit and appear normal.
I love back to school dreams!
2. This year I am going for it! I am starting the Daily 5 for my reading block. All over the blog world I keep hearing about Daily 5 this and Daily 5 that so I purchased the book last December and started reading. I loved what I read and tried a few things but decided it would do better to start the system at the beginning of the school year and go from there. I am so grateful for the many bloggers and pin-ers who are helping me set it up.
3. The last thing I am nervous about is something that I always get nervous about. I am scared of the students. It's always exciting to think about the new little people who will be such a huge part of my life for the next 9 months of my life. Oh but I love them!
Those are my worries, but I am so excited to get going. Summer has been wonderful but I'm ready to get on with my school life again.
If you enjoyed reading my thoughts please follow my blog so I can keep learning from amazing teachers in the blog world!
Mrs. W
I am joining up with Ashley in Fierce in Fourth to share first day jitters. I was reading a lot of the other bloggers' posts and found something in common all of us are having the "First of the Year Dreams"so I thought I would share mine because I've been having some pretty awesome nightmares!
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Link to the party! |
Things I am concerned about for the first day of school:
1. I am moving classrooms. My room used to be a very large room with built in storage and huge windows inside the building. Now I am moving out to the Relo's (Relocatable classrooms, portable classrooms, I've heard them called many things). There are a few perks to being outside: I control my heat and a/c, my class can be as loud as we wish, my relo is never closed and alarmed so I can visit any day any time. But this move is causing me to experience lots of silly dreams. Example: last night I dreamt that it was the first day of school. When I showed up my principal promptly told me I was late and my students were in the Relo waiting for me. Since we all know how students might take to waiting, I busted my butt to get outside to my Relo only to find that the back field of my school where my relo is located was full of relos and cabins. There were close to hundreds and I had to race through them all to find my class. I spent the whole dream running around like a chicken with their head cut off.
Another example: I get to school the first day and am informed that my relo isn't done being finished so I can't use it that day. My class gets to spend the first day of school in the copy room trying to fit and appear normal.
I love back to school dreams!
2. This year I am going for it! I am starting the Daily 5 for my reading block. All over the blog world I keep hearing about Daily 5 this and Daily 5 that so I purchased the book last December and started reading. I loved what I read and tried a few things but decided it would do better to start the system at the beginning of the school year and go from there. I am so grateful for the many bloggers and pin-ers who are helping me set it up.
3. The last thing I am nervous about is something that I always get nervous about. I am scared of the students. It's always exciting to think about the new little people who will be such a huge part of my life for the next 9 months of my life. Oh but I love them!
Those are my worries, but I am so excited to get going. Summer has been wonderful but I'm ready to get on with my school life again.
If you enjoyed reading my thoughts please follow my blog so I can keep learning from amazing teachers in the blog world!
Mrs. W
Thursday, July 26, 2012
My first Linky Party..How cute!
Amy over at Step into 2nd Grade with Mrs. Lemons is having an "About Me" linky party. I thought this would be a perfect first linky party to try because I'm still very new to the blogging world and what a way to introduce myself to everyone. So here goes.
1. I am currently in grad school. I am going to WGU online (I am usually in my pjs) and am excited to get my master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction.
2. My favorite sport is lacrosse. My husband and I both played in high school and so we love to go to BYU Lacrosse games (men's and women's) in fact that was what we did for our first date.
3. I love to travel! In college I was able to do a Study Abroad to Jerusalem, Jordan, and Egypt. It was so amazing! There was a definite culture shock when I first got there but boy was it amazing to see all those sites I'd only read about in school.
4. While in Jerusalem I got kissed by a camel named "BMW" All their camels names were "BMW" or "Muhammad" PS Camels have nas-tastic breath!
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2. My favorite sport is lacrosse. My husband and I both played in high school and so we love to go to BYU Lacrosse games (men's and women's) in fact that was what we did for our first date.
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This is a glamourous photo from my high school lacrosse days! |
4. While in Jerusalem I got kissed by a camel named "BMW" All their camels names were "BMW" or "Muhammad" PS Camels have nas-tastic breath!
5. I am of course a teacher (duh) this fall will mark my fourth year as a third grade teacher.
6. There is a small scar on my tongue from where I bit through it when I was 2. Apparently I thought myself to be a master pianist, but I couldn't even stay seated long enough to play.
7. I am married to the best man I know. We have been married 18 months, 3 days, and several hours. He's a dream boat if I do say so myself.
8. There is not enough money in the world to get me to eat anything that comes from an ocean, or a large body of water. YUCK!!!
9. I am secretly hoping someone will read my silly blog and choose to follow my blogging adventures.
Thank you for letting me brag without any guilty feelings attached. Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little bit more.
Adios Amigas!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Class Shirts
My third grade team does a wonderful thing; we make class t-shirts to wear every Friday and anytime we leave the school. These are not only adorable but they help to build the classroom community.
As you can see these shirts are freakin' adorable, and so different every year. I plan to do this every year I teach and then make a tshirt quilt out of them. We get them from Whitney Daniels Designs. (click on her name to go to her website) and it is so easy. The students draw their face on a regular index card; first in pencil then after it gets the teacher approval they trace it in sharpie. Its a fun little lesson about how each of us is different and we have things that we like. Then you print off the order form from the website, select your color and order them.
We have gotten so much parent support on these. Whitney's website has a parent order form all ready to print off to send home. We ask our parents to "donate"/pay for their child's shirt which is about $7. The kids love, LOVE them! We would wear them every Friday without fail.
They are also so nice on Field Trip days because each 3rd grade class has their own shirt color so we can easily see all 4 classes lined up and its easy for the parent volunteers to keep track of their specific students. I would highly recommend making classroom shirts.
Our Principal retired last year so we got our staff to make a t-shirt. They turned out so well I thought I'd include a picture of them as well.
Here are my two latest shirts side by side. (Blogger was against letting me rotate the picture the correct way, so you'll have to lean your head to the side) This year I'm going to go with Stone Blue or the Daisy color. I love these shirts!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Mr. Potato Head
I was at Disney World last June with my in-laws when we happened upon a store where you could build your own potato head. The deal was you got a small box and whatever Potato Head parts you could fit in the box you could buy for $20. I got excited but first I had to justify why a 24 year old w/o kids would spend $20 on Potato Head parts, then my little light bulb went off.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Classroom theme
Staying up to date on a blog is a lot harder then I thought. I'd get online and look at everyone's blogs and then lose track of time. OOPS! This upcoming school year I really want to work on updating my blog and making it more public. Any advice would be wonderful since I am totally new at this.
I have a hard time with themes. I start off the year with all the ideas of having a theme and pulling everything together but by October my theme usually dies out. This year I have decided instead of a set theme I'll stick with a specific color theme and not worry about being cutsie with everything else.
My color theme is: pink, green and browns. I have been moved to a relocatable classroom (also known as a portable) which is very old, yucky and has tiny windows. Thus I decided against using blacks and have chosen colors that are bright and will add to light not take it away.
I previously bought pink and green book bins from reallygoodstuff.com and decided that I love those colors and would love to use them throughout my classroom.
The other thing that I love and will probably have throughout my room is owls. I personally love owls, birds, birdcages, twigs etc. and I will probably be doing a lot with owls throughout but I don't want to commit myself to an "owl theme" just yet. I don't know as I'm writing this I'm rethinking my idea. Maybe it would be fun to do a whole theme with owls and not just colors. I don't know. Any advice? How are you consistent with your theme throughout the year?
I have a hard time with themes. I start off the year with all the ideas of having a theme and pulling everything together but by October my theme usually dies out. This year I have decided instead of a set theme I'll stick with a specific color theme and not worry about being cutsie with everything else.
My color theme is: pink, green and browns. I have been moved to a relocatable classroom (also known as a portable) which is very old, yucky and has tiny windows. Thus I decided against using blacks and have chosen colors that are bright and will add to light not take it away.
I previously bought pink and green book bins from reallygoodstuff.com and decided that I love those colors and would love to use them throughout my classroom.
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www.reallygoodstuff.com |
Friday, March 16, 2012
First Post Ever!
I am so excited to get my blog up and going. It has taken me a long time, several days and lots of frustration but I got it!
I have found the most amazing classroom management system out there. It is called ClassDojo and it will be an app soon, right now it is still in the trial period. You can go to Classdojo.com and set up your classroom.
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I set up my own positives (on task, participation) and negatives (off task, out of seat, disrupting), each student has a cute little monster. When students are on task or off task you simply click on the monster icon and input the data. At the end of the week you get a pie chart of each students overall behavior and the whole class behavior. You can set up the program to email parents everyday, week etc.
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A fun feature is the sound effects. Positives are a beautiful ding while negatives are a bit of a low "blump" sound. Sometimes I do the Dojo without the sounds so its a more accurate read of behavior but every so often when I need to get my class back on task I turn up the volume and give some lucky student a positive. The sweet ding really motivates my students. It's pure magic.
My favorite feature is I can put it on my phone and carry it throughout the school with me. In the hallways, lunch room, computer lab, and even on the playground I have direct access to my behavior system.
Go to Classdojo.com to read more about it.
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