My favorite classroom song is a little crazy. In fact my kids start off complaining about it but by the end of the school year they are begging for it. My favorite classroom song is Glee's version of Friday.
In my school Fridays are an early out day, that means that after lunch they only have about 20 minutes before they are dismissed. Those 20 minutes can murder my weekend vibe. I spent a lot of Friday afternoons trying not to loose my cool with the kiddos who thought school ended at lunch before I found a solution. The solution was so simple it blew my mind!
When our class comes back from lunch we start the count down. I am looking to see if we'll have a silly clean up or a serious clean up. Most the time my class works hard until the clean up so it can be a silly one. For a silly clean up they must do the same things as normal but they get to listen to the Friday song while they do it, and usually they clean up quicker so they can dance around with their friends as they line up to be dismissed.
Its a fun end of the week that leaves us all with smiles and a few laughs. The kids complain about the song but they honestly love it!
Such a cute idea! The kids must love it!!! Found you through the linky party and I'm a new follower!
A Turn to Learn